Kong request termination plugin example

Kong request termination plugin example. For example, due to legacy reasons, your upstream endpoint may have a base URI like /api/oilers/. Plugins written in TypeScript can be loaded directly to Kong Gateway and Apr 17, 2019 · i try with pre-function as mention here and it work ok. This plugin terminates incoming requests with a specified status code and message. x There were changes in the plugin handler structure and on the plugins DAO ( load_plugin_schemas ) that make this plugin backwards-incompatible if another plugin depended on it. You signed in with another tab or window. If more than one time limit is set, the header contains all of these: Jan 14, 2020 · If I delete anonymous user in plugin and disable request-termination plugin, basic-auth and jwt plugin work correctly cf. However, I wanted to know if I can have something like this and make it work? apiVersion: configuration. An example could look like this; plugins: - name: request-termination config: status_code: 403 message: So long and thanks for all the fish Kong Gateway 2. Responses can be produced by Kong (for example, an authentication plugin rejecting a request), or proxied back from an Service’s response body. 1 Basic configuration examples. get_path_with_query() local url = "https://" . This can be used to temporarily stop traffic on a service or a route, or even block a consumer. replace. The easiest way to think about consumers is to map them one-on-one to users. Order of execution. This plugin can also be used for debugging, as described in the echo parameter . key-auth . konghq. . If a request gets successfully passed on to the upstream on the first attempt, it does not produce such logs. The Request Termination plugin terminates incoming requests with a specified status code and message. Previous Basic config examples for Request Termination Jan 8, 2021 · If you only want to redirect a html page, you can at least make the route respond with code 301 by using the Request Termination Plugin and set status_code=301. Add HMAC Signature authentication to a service or a route to establish the integrity of incoming requests. kong. Also notice that older versions of Kong (<= 0. 3. com "kong-ingress-web-my-application-endpoint2-keycloak" could not be patched: admission webhook "validations. X-Kong-Admin-Latency: Time taken (in milliseconds) by Kong to process an Admin API request. For security reasons, we suggest enabling this plugin for any service you add to Kong Gateway to prevent a DOS (Denial of Service) attack. Apr 27, 2019 · Hi, How do I enable a KongPlugin on a consumer using Ingress Controller? I am trying to set up Multiple Authentication which uses Anonymous Access. It’s only available on Kong Enterprise. I am able to do it using curl i. We have noticed in our Kong Gateway nodes times when common endpoints the gateway exposes throwing 404 route not found on a % of API calls. One of the major use cases for Kong's TCP support is TLS termination. If the header doesn’t exist, it terminates the request early. exit(302,url) end The library provides a plugin server that provides a runtime for JavaScript bindings for Kong Gateway. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the Request Size Limiting plugin Protocols configures plugin to run on requests received on specific protocols. As you request the path /stepon, Kong Gateway routes that to your API Server at port 3000. RateLimit-Reset: 47. Skip to main 2023 API Summit Hackathon: Experiment with AI for APIs (August 28 - September 27) Learn More → Replace SERVICE_NAME with the name of the service that this plugin configuration will target. w. Request Spike Alert. RateLimit-Remaining: 4. Questions. message=So long and thanks for all the fish!" When configuring the exit-transformer to respond with an updated response body, we notice that any field returned with 'null' as its value is not being returned in the response body. Looking for the plugin's configuration parameters? You can find them in the ACL configuration reference doc. Because of this limitation, this plugin only works for routes that have been configured with a paths setting. For example: curl -d "name=respon In self-managed Kong Gateway (OSS), the plugin applies to your entire environment. In self-managed Kong Gateway (OSS), the plugin applies to your entire environment. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the correlation-id plugin on a service. StatsD plugin that emits API metrics. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the Exit Transformer plugin globally. To force user to provide at least one authentication (either oauth2 access_token or apikey), you can enable request termination plugin on anonymous consumer. The following guide shows you how set the plugin up in the access phase. In Konnect, the plugin applies to every entity in a given control plane. All plugin instances that have the same values for these parameters share one queue. --data "name=request-termination" \. Yet, to Kong this does not matter. query kong. Apr 25, 2021 · The check is not a full-blown Healthcheck that is checking DB connections, verify APIs, etc, but it will respond to a request and inform if the Kong service is just running. e. tls. Is there a way to simple, 301 redirections just with an Ingress/KongIngress/KongPlugin configuration? My use-case is: Documentation for Kong, that Cloud Connectivity Company for APIs and Microservices. get_scheme() if scheme == "http" then local host = kong. Kong's extensibility with plugins is a big reason that users choose Kong over other API Gateways or service meshes. The priorities for the plugins that ship with kong is documented here (make sure you check the equivalent page for your version of Kong), and the priority of the request-termination plugin is 2 which means it will execute before any other plugin with a lower priority. The instance name shows up in Kong Manager and in Konnect, so it's useful when running the same plugin in multiple contexts, for example, on multiple services. This allows to (temporarily) block an API or Consumer. response, this module allows mutating the The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the response-transformer plugin on a service. Before we dive into code samples, let’s take a look at the key concepts in Kong: API Object – wraps properties of any HTTP Jan 16, 2019 · Doing so requires that you duplicate configuration in some fashion, either by creating the Ingress resource for GKE and then configuring Kong routes manually or creating two sets of Ingresses, one for GKE which points to Kong and one for Kong’s controller which points to the actual Service. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the Canary Release plugin globally. y domain to z. uri parameter in kubernetes we can apply the following yaml file. Nov 28, 2017 · Request Termination Plugin. Mar 1, 2019 · i try with pre-function as mention here and it work ok. As a practical use-case and example of the flexibility offered by Kong Gateway’s proxying capabilities, let’s try to implement a “fallback route”, so that in order to avoid Kong Gateway responding with an HTTP 404, “no route found”, we can catch such requests and proxy them to a special upstream service, or apply a plugin to it A plugin which is not associated to any service, route, consumer, or consumer group is considered global, and will be run on every request. host . g. The instance name shows up in Kong Manager and in An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example request-validator_my-service. Enable request termination plugin on this fallback route. w base url without “forwarding” the querystring. Apr 23, 2019 · The first thing is to enable two plugins: ACL : Restrict access to a Service or a Route by whitelisting or blacklisting consumers using arbitrary ACL group names. This is particularly useful for clients to distinguish upstream statuses if the response is rewritten by a plugin. You switched accounts on another tab or window. status_code=403" \. 1. The plugin also sends headers to show the time limit and the minutes still available: X-RateLimit-Limit-Minute: 10. 100/900 = ~11. com/hub/kong-inc/request-termination/#new-in-210. However, you want your publicly accessible API endpoint to now be named Jan 8, 2024 · Kong is an open-source API gateway and microservice management layer. Nov 28, 2021 · As you have config. You signed out in another tab or window. If using the Kong Admin API, Konnect API, declarative configuration, or decK files, the field is name. E. It provides configuration and management for session data storage, encryption, renewal, expiry, and sending browser cookies. rest apis. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example request-transformer_my-service. set_header(), this function doesn’t remove any existing headers with the same name. I am unable to apply the Request Termination Plugin as a K8s crd on the anonymous consumer. It definitely starts working again if I kong reload. See the to learn about region-specific URLs and personal access Aug 31, 2021 · $ kubectl edit kongplugin -n deploy-example kong-ingress-web-my-application-endpoint2-keycloak error: kongplugins. Supports validating the schema of the body and the parameters of the request using either Kong’s own schema validator (body only) or a JSON Schema Draft 4 compliant validator. certificateRefs array, and then create one of the supported route types with matching criteria that will bind it to the listener. My configuration for the plugins is similar to this (note: I'm using Kong in DB-less mode): 2. You can see your available ingresses by running kubectl get service. I say intermittently, because when I keep accessing port 8001 with a valid path, sometimes it starts to work. after kong saved that uri, request to kong:8000/statics/two will When a client has been authenticated, the plugin appends some headers to the request before proxying it to the upstream service, so that you can identify the consumer in your code: X-Consumer-ID: The ID of the consumer in Kong. <phase> is a request processing phase (for example, access or body_filter) and <plugin> is the name of the plugin that will run before or after The host component of the request’s URL, or the value of the “Host” header: request port: The port component of the request’s URL: request_headers: The request headers received by Kong: request_query: The query arguments obtained from the query string: request_body: The request body received by Kong: request_method: The HTTP method of Jun 5, 2015 · Sometime request fails for some random reason (timeout etc) and we want to retry for x times or redirect it to another endpoint before sending response. HTTPS Redirect. 11. You can also return text/html mime-type and return Mar 3, 2020 · Hi, how can we configure request termination plugin for a specified subpath of service (e. Before you begin ensure that you have Installed Kong Ingress Controller with Gateway API support in your Kubernetes cluster and are able to connect to Kong. 13) did handle this part of the code differently and might not be leaving traces at all on retries. 5 EKS cluster. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the rate-limiting plugin on a service. Even though the delay plugin is only attached to the OAuth handler, OAuth requests contend for the overall resources available to Kong Gateway and hold on much longer to their resources than normal requests. Feb 6, 2020 · Rewrite Published URLs with Kong API Gateway. The Kong Session plugin can be used to manage browser sessions for APIs proxied through the Kong Gateway. To correctly weight the above example as 50:50, the easiest way would be to set the weights like so: Target 1: httpbin. Feb 5, 2019 · Using Kong's Server Name Indication (SNI) and certificate entities, users can now also configure their own TLS certificates. exit(302,url) end Feb 8, 2019 · setting address (try 2): ip:port. anonymous set on both auth plugins, authentication can be bypassed and the request will be considered coming from anonymous user. In this example, the plugin will look for a request matching x-custom-auth. 0. set_header("Location",url) return kong. Sep 10, 2019 · I tried defining a new route matching x. Plugin can be a good place to implement this logic. This set up will make sure Kong log all requests. Apr 17, 2019 · i try with pre-function as mention here and it work ok. If the client is a browser, there is a known issue with this plugin caused by a limitation of the CORS specification that prevents specifying a custom Host header in a preflight OPTIONS request. ANSWER To configure the Request Transformer Advanced plugin to utilize the config. Key Concepts. Start Kong and Database containers using docker-compose, before docker-compose up, we need to run database migrations docker-compose run kong kong migrations bootstrapdocker-compose up -d A plugin which is not associated to any service, route, consumer, or consumer group is considered global, and will be run on every request. In self-managed Kong Gateway Enterprise, the plugin applies to every entity in a given workspace. Give it a try and discuss it here! If you need to overwrite these header fields, see the Post-function plugin. X-Consumer-Custom-ID: The custom_id of the consumer (if set). If the header exists in the request, it lets the request through. An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example key-auth_my-service . Next Request Size Limiting Configuration Thank you for your feedback. Restrict access to a service or a route by adding consumers to allowed or denied lists using arbitrary ACL groups. The equivalence of the log server is determined by the parameters http_endpoint, method, content_type, timeout, and keepalive. ordering PluginOrdering: Ordering overrides the normal plugin execution order. Note: In this workaround, the port to send health check requests to is the proxy port (8000 & 8443 by default) instead of the status API port. /api/campaign/private)? I have no idea how to use KongPlugin or KongIngress for that purpose. Support by: Optum Authentication Learn to configure multiple authentication options for consumers using the Kong Ingress Controller. The core principle for consumers is that you can attach plugins to them, and hence customize request behavior. Note: The KongPlugin resource only needs to be defined once and can be applied to any service, consumer, or route in the namespace. Oct 18, 2019 · It’s not only for /plugins, even a simple / fails. exit(302,url) end Apr 17, 2019 · i try with pre-function as mention here and it work ok. response. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the ldap-auth-advanced plugin on a service. We can also see the policy applied automatically in Kong to the malicious consumer in the Kong Manager: Diagram 7. Anyway this seems to redirect any request matching x. A plugin which is not associated to any service, route, consumer, or consumer group is considered global, and will be run on every request. Summary. By applying the plugin to a Service, all requests to that Service will be validated before being proxied. The authentication method specific elements and examples can be found in each plugin’s documentation. What is the preferred way to block subpath and return 401? Unfortunately nginx configuration snippets don’t work apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: test1-kong-ingress annotations All plugins including Javascript plugins have a certain execution order that is determined by the priority set in the plugin. Correlation id plugin that generates a random request id. mode: "Terminate", create a TLS Secret and add it to the listener . Configuration reference; Basic configuration example; Learn how to Open-source distributed control plane with a bundled Envoy Proxy integration Here’s an example header: RateLimit-Limit: 6. 2, request-termination and response-transformer combination. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the AI Request Transformer plugin Sep 28, 2018 · Any library or example to configure Kong CRDs via client-go? Kubernetes. Sep 11, 2019 · I tried defining a new route matching x. In contrast to other plugins that use queues, it shares one queue between all plugin instances that use the same log server parameter. org and 100 for kong-loopback, resulting in a ~11% distribution going to the loopback, despite the apparent identical weight of both hostname targets. y domain and adding request-termination plugin to return a 301 plus response-trasnformation with the location header set to z. Mock virtual API request and response pairs through Kong Gateway. Enable log plugin (http log for example) on fallback route. Let’s test out the Pre-function plugin by filtering requests Examples: Passing multiple headers in one request Pass each header separately. Based on Nginx and the lua-nginx-module (specifically OpenResty ), Kong’s pluggable architecture makes it flexible and powerful. id to consumer in request-termination configuration In this example we use the Kong Gateway itself to serve the XSD schema Add Request Termination plugin to this Route and configure the plugin with: CORS limitations. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the Route By Header plugin globally. It sit between customers and API backend. service. org:80 A plugin which is not associated to any service, route, consumer, or consumer group is considered global, and will be run on every request. The specific proxy we focused on with this post ( "/F5/status") does not route, has no auth, and serves as a ping up time endpoint that returns static 200 success. If using the KongPlugin object in Kubernetes, the field is plugin. Sep 29, 2021 · Using: Kong Ingress 2. 10: 1001: April 2, 2020 Request Termination plugin as K8s KongPlugin crd doesn't work. May 8, 2015 · it will hold db table that store route details (uri, response code, static text, path to file, etc). configuration. The plugin validates the digital signature sent in the Proxy-Authorization or Authorization header (in that order). Configure the Request Termination plugin to respond to requests on that route with a HTTP 200 status code. The downstream response module contains a set of functions for producing and manipulating responses sent back to the client (downstream). However, notice that these lines only happen on retries. If you don't want to create multiple fallback route, you can create fallback route with / as path. See the to learn about region-specific URLs and personal access tokens. We’ve enabled debug on kong and inspected the logs for any errors or patterns. request. Add multiple headers by passing each header:value pair separately: Oct 5, 2021 · im trying to work out how i can enable or disable a plugin using CURL i found the following in the docs so i can create a plugin using CURL but i cant update the values, how do i update an existing plugin. I change from consumer. Reload to refresh your session. Of course, in a production environment, you would lock down your API Server to be accessible only via routing from the Kong Gateway. This can simply be done by using the “request-termination” plugin which is just returning a fixed body and code: To terminate TLS, create a Gateway with a listener with . exit(302,url) end plugin: 在请求被代理到上游API之前或之后,在Kong内部执行操作的插件。 Service : 表示外部 upstream API或微服务的Kong实体。 In self-managed Kong Gateway (OSS), the plugin applies to your entire environment. . 2. (It will returns a specific response code and message to suit your needs) 3. just add pre-function plugin and submit this code: local scheme = kong. X-Kong-Upstream-Status: The HTTP status code returned by the upstream service. This plugin performs the response transformation in the following order: remove → rename → replace → add → append. add_header (header, value) Adds a request header with the given value to the request to the Service. Examples Overview. X-Kong-Request-Id: Unique identifier of the request. Consumers. Mar 8, 2021 · It works! You should now be sending your requests through Kong Gateway at port 8000. Instead, several occurrences of the header will be present in the request. the routes will be managed throgh the api (8001) so that to add static route: curl kong:8001/statics/add -d "uri=/statics/two" -d "status_code=200" -d "response_text=static text". take this as a base: Works with Kong 0. X-RateLimit-Remaining-Minute: 9. Make the following request: Replace SERVICE_NAME|ID with the id or name of the service that this plugin configuration will target. The plugins mostly works, but I have an issue with handling query parameters. Some of the built-in plugins we use are: File log plugin that writes a log line for each request. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the File Log plugin globally. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the pre-function plugin on a service. Welcome to Kong Plugin Hub Request Termination. May 8, 2022 · You can use the request-termination plugin because it able to be handled by trigger which can be part of the header, have a look at https://docs. Enable the Kong Gateway OAuth 2 Plugin In self-managed Kong Gateway (OSS), the plugin applies to your entire environment. We see it as an available field but the documentation doesn't display an example on how to configure this. This plugin implementation is based off the draft-cavage-http-signatures draft with a slightly different signature scheme. Learn to configure the Kong Ingress Controller to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS so that all communication from the external world to your APIs and microservices is encrypted. com" denied the request without explanation name or plugin. Jul 27, 2022 · A plugin is a middleware which processes requests inside the API gateway layer. Am I missing something? Is there another solution? kong. And the fo Jan 10, 2018 · It would be very easy to provide a plugin for that. get_host() local query = kong. This means the weighting is actually 800 for httpbin. Get started with the Request Transformer Advanced plugin. --data "config. CaesarKing November 28, 2017, 7:32pm 1. X-Consumer-Username: The username of the consumer (if set). We can see this Request Spike alert in the Neosec UI: Diagram 6. Kong Request Termination Plugin Set For Consumer Jul 2, 2021 · I want to implement a simple redirect using Kong's request-termination & response-transformer plugins. konghq Dec 5, 2021 · The instant the Request Spike alert triggered, the automated response policy shot into action. TypeScript is also supported in the following ways: The PDK includes type definitions for PDK functions that allow type checking when developing plugins in TypeScript. The following examples provide some typical configurations for enabling the LDAP Authentication plugin A plugin which is not associated to any service, route, consumer, or consumer group is considered global, and will be run on every request. For HTTPRoute or GRPCRoute, the route’s hostname must match the listener hostname. It is built using lua-resty-session. Read the Plugin Reference and the Plugin Precedence sections for more information. A common requirement for API gateways is to rewrite the published URL to a different URL for the upstream service’s endpoint. 1% . Oct 29, 2015 · Once #505 has been implemented, being able to override a response without proxying it to the upstream service, by allowing to return a custom status code and body. Unlike kong. Jun 20, 2022 · This means that every in-flight OAuth request blocks one of the connection slots that are available for proxying requests. hy fd un xv nk nw wr sq bk cw